Biography Control Overview

This control is different from the Biography Summary Control.

The Biography control allows your user to maintain a biography about them,and it is stored in the Personify database. See Adding/Changing a Constituent's Image in CRM360® for more information on how this information is stored in the back office.  

See Configuring the Web Settings for the Biography Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website. The Biography control does not require any additional back office configuration. All data displayed in this control is based off your user information. 

Customer Impact

After setting up the Biography control, your user will see the control similar to the one displayed below.


If the web user clicks the Edit link, he/she can edit the content in this control, as shown below.

 The Biography control is only available for individual and companies; however, as of 7.5.0, this control is available for committees and subgroups too.